I’ve been waiting for this… Waiting for that overwhelming feeling that I get when God stirs something up inside of me. It’s the answer to the prayer, “Lord, what do you want me to write about? Give me something.” It’s that prompting from the Holy Spirit that basically tells me, “Here it comes!” Finally, I got it! Direction, clarity, and …
Fighting God’s Way
“If you need a place to stay, Eileen, you can stay here with us.” That was the phone call I received which confirmed our next step. I knew this place was where we were to go — that safe place; literally our place of Refuge hours away from what we used to call home. A week prior, Kabeer told me …
The Escape
On Wednesday, July 19th, at 11:30 am, life as we knew it would never be the same… The trunk of our minivan was stacked high with laundry baskets full of clothes. Food, toys and care packages literally filled every inch of space that the kids’ bodies didn’t occupy. My prayer that morning was for safe passage from our house on …
She Can Laugh at the Days to Come
Man, it’s been so long… As I continue moving forward after all that happened over 3 years ago, I’m finding so much joy in my present circumstances. Yes, even in the midst of the crazy uncertainties all around us, I see how God is moving and beautifully orchestrating certain areas of my life today. Initially my thoughts and plans for …
Battle Cry
As the car radio shuffled through my Favorites playlist, The Call, a closing credit song from Narnia II: Prince Caspian, came on. As always is the case when driving, this song has a way of silencing whatever raucous is going on and ends up with the kids singing along. There’s just something about that song that I love — her …
Kabeer’s argument on women and the image of God lost steam as he found little to support his beliefs. Even Google, his highly-used resource, wasn’t of much help to him. Of all his findings at that time, there was only one that stated that women were not created in the image of God — but that one was all he …
Pigs in the Parlor
“Have you read this book before?… This question came along with a screenshot of a pink book with a big, weird eye on the front cover. It was a text from my sister-in-law back in January of 2016. I responded back to her that I had never heard of it. The next morning I made my way to the library …
The Test
Here we go, the second go-round, waiting for the phone call of pass or fail. Kabeer had attempted the grueling 6 hour CFP exam in November of 2016, but to no avail. In March of the next year, it was a different outcome. He did it. He passed. Kabeer was officially a Certified Financial Planner and once again he beat …
Image of God
“You know you’re not created in the image of God, right?” That was the question that was nonchalantly thrown out to me as we were both getting ready in the morning. I was walking in and out of the bathroom, brushing my teeth and getting ready to take the kids to school. Kabeer was sitting on a bench next to …
Well with my soul
This morning I woke up to a 5:30 am alarm clock. Although normally a light sleeper, I woke up groggy from a deeper sleep than usual and debated trying to justify an extra 30 minutes of shut-eye. As is the case 99% of the time, my brain was too awake and the fantasy of going back to sleep was going …
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